SUN. 		July 13
 10:00   	For the people of the Parish
MON.		July 14
Readings	Is 1: 10-17 Mt 10: 34-11:1
	8:00:	Thomas Maguire
	 By:	Larry and Judy Cohen

TUES.		July 15
Readings	Is 7: 1-9 Mt 11: 20-24
	8:00:	Brilliantina Izzo
	By:	Millie and Jimmy Galantucci and
		Mary Montegriffo
WED.	July 16
Readings	Is 10: 5-7, 13-16 Mt 11: 25-27
	8:00:	Carmela Carrano
	By:	Annette Anglisano

THURS.	July 17
Readings	Us 26: 7-9, 12, 16-19 
    8:00 	Thomas Maguire	
	By:	Eric Cohen
FRI.		July 18
Readings	Is 38: 1-8, 21-22 Mt 12: 1-8
	8:00:	Theresa Dela Cruz
	By:	Father Carrano

SAT.		July 19
Readings	Mi 2: 1-5  Mt 12: 14-21
	8:00:	Mona DéLeinne
	By:	Cousin Betty Fenelon
	5:00	John A. Vekassy
	  By:     His Children

Please Pray For The Sick: Fannette Sheehan,  Mildred Waters, Mary Strammiello, John Harvey,  Jean Marie Pratt, James McMannus, Spencer Needleman, John Lettenberger, Charlotte Lowit, Elaine Vekassy

What do we sing when we sing in the company of the Angels and Saints?  The Sanctus (Holy, Holy) is one of the oldest parts of our liturgy.  St. Clement of Rome mentions it as early as 104 AD in the context of liturgy. The text of the Sanctus comes from two texts in the Bible.
The first part (Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.) comes from Isaiah 6:3 which describes Isaiah's vision of the throne of God.  This part of the prayer is recited in Jewish liturgy during the Kedusha, a prayer said during the cantor's repetition of the Amidah (or 18 Blessings). This prayer is prayed three times a day by the faithful.
The second part of the prayer beginning with Benedictus (Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.) comes from Matthew 21:9 which describes Jesus' entrance to Jerusalem (which we read every Palm Sunday).
It is worthwhile to note that the word Hosanna comes from the Hebrew language and literally means “help” or “save, I pray.” It has also come to be an exclamation of praise and could be translated as “Praise to You, in the highest.”
When we sing the Sanctus at Mass, it is a chance for all of God’s people to join the entire hosts of heaven in praising our almighty Father for all He has done for us. So sing Hosanna in the highest with a full heart, for our Lord deserves our praise and we are in good company.  Let’s live our faith and our liturgy together.


Weekly Offering:			$2,813.00
Text Box: Sunday, July 13, 2008
Text Box:  BVM
Text Box: Assumption
Text Box: Collections 
Weekly Offering